I’ve mentioned to you before that your local library is a great source for free movies. Last week I checked out a whole bunch of movies. You can keep them for one week, which was great for me – I only had to leave my house once during this extreme heat and then stayed in the comfort of my air conditioned home and watched movies. I am extremely blessed and very thankful to have air conditioning this week. Anyway, the library really had quite the selection of movies available. One movie that I checked out was “TO SAVE A LIFE”. The movie is rated PG-13 because it contains mature thematic elements including teen suicide, teen drinking, some drug content, disturbing images and sexuality.
Yes, I know this is a family oriented website, and this movie might not sound like a great family movie that you would expect me to recommend. But, I thought I would tell you about this movie because if your kids are over 13 years of age, it might be the kind of movie you would want to watch together and then discuss together.
The movie covers topics like divorce, bullying, peer pressure, teen suicide, teen drinking, drugs, teen pregnancy, and cutting. Topics you need to talk to your kids about. The movie is also inspirational and shows how important faith is in your life. And, it shows how one little act of kindness can make a huge difference, a huge impact on someone’s life.
If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to talk to your kids about these types of topics, this movie just might be what you need to get you started. If you are unsure about whether your child can handle this type of movie, first just watch it by yourself. Then, watch it as a family. But don’t let it end there. Be sure to have a discussion about what they just saw, and what they are thinking.
I’d love to hear your comments on this movie or on any other movie you think is helpful for families.