Save Money By Using Your Ceiling Fans

If you’re looking for an easy way to save some money, especially in the summer months, a simple solution is your ceiling fan. There is nothing that can beat the nice breeze you feel from your ceiling fan on a hot day! They are more common today, but if you do not have them in your home, you should consider installing them. Today’s fans are much less expensive, fairly easy to install, and if used correctly, can greatly impact your energy costs.


In the summer, your ceiling fan should be set in a counterclockwise direction. Setting it to spin this way will keep air moving and will create a wind-chill effect. The air will feel cooler, reducing the need to use your air conditioning as much. The room temperature will not change, but will seem cooler. According to Casablanca Fan Company, the raised thermostat settings due to fan use can result in reduced air conditioning energy consumption of up to 40% or more. In addition, with the air conditioning on, it will feel cooler and allow you to keep the thermostat set higher.


In the winter, you should use them as well. During winter months, set them at their lowest setting and reverse their direction to turn clockwise. This will move the trapped warm air from high on the ceiling into the living areas of your home. At the lowest setting, it will not cause an uncomfortable breeze in your home, but instead will keep the furnace from having to be set too high during the winter months.


We have ceiling fans in all our upstairs rooms, and two in our lower level.  Not only do they help us feel more comfortable, especially during the hot summer months, they also help to save us money.  If you are looking for more money saving tips, click on our sister site All Ways To Save.  And, if you have some money saving tips to share, we’d love to hear from you.


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Save Money By Using Your Ceiling Fans — 3 Comments

  1. This is such a great tip!!!!!!! All 4 of our ceiling fans in our house are on usually 24 hours a day EVEN IN THE WINTER. We just change the settings from clockwise to counterclockwise as you mentioned depending on the season. What a difference it makes to feel the air circulating!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for the info we use our fans all summer long in the bedrooms and fomilyroom. But, I have to to change the settings on 2 of the fans. I had them going in the wrong direction. I wrote down the correct info.